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System-dynamic simulation model of the regional system (CROSBI ID 463968)

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Grčić, Branko System-dynamic simulation model of the regional system // Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Operational Research - SOR '97 / Rupnik, V ; Zadnik-Stirn, L ; Drobne, S. (ur.). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo informatika, 1997. str. 291-296-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Grčić, Branko


System-dynamic simulation model of the regional system

Although at a global, highly-aggregated structure level, this paper presents one very complex, non-linear, multidimensional and multisector system-dynamic simulation model (SDSM) of the regional social-economic system. The structure of SDSM is based on total inclusion of two fundamental dimensions: economic and demographical, and on partial inclusion of other dimensions such as e.g. politics, space etc. Economic and demographic dimension are disaggregated into sectors to enable identification of potential intradimensional and intersector disruptions and imbalances. Besides, each of these dimensions is subdivided into subsystems or functions important for establishment of a single management mechanism. These subsystems or functions are represented by the next separate model sectors: population sector, production sector, social product distribution sector, investment funds sector, labour supply and demand sector and exogeneously determined influences sectors.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rupnik, V ; Zadnik-Stirn, L ; Drobne, S.

Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo informatika

Podaci o skupu

4th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR'97



Preddvor, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
