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Project management and information technology in Croatian hotel industry (CROSBI ID 473943)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Cerović, Zdenko ; Cerović-Milohnić, Ines Project management and information technology in Croatian hotel industry // HOTEL 2000 / Perić, Jože (ur.). Opatija: Fintrade & Tours, 2000. str. 395-406-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Cerović, Zdenko ; Cerović-Milohnić, Ines


Project management and information technology in Croatian hotel industry

In this paper we try to research the concept of project management in terms of transitional economy and on the model of Croatian hotel industry. Project management has been appearing over 40 years as a model in all economic and social systems. Croatian circumstances open possibilities for more massive scale of the model of project management, especially in management of greater projects, in which Croatia in condition of globalization becomes part of European tourist offer. On basis of available and very comprehensive literature, for purpose of this paper we carried out a survey among Croatian management, and significance of samples is 74% for economy and 86% for hotel industry

project management; communication technologies

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Perić, Jože

Opatija: Fintrade & Tours

Podaci o skupu

Biennial International Congress Hotel 2000



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
