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Economic globalization and educational change (CROSBI ID 474312)

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Lipičnik, Bogdan ; Krbec, Denisa Economic globalization and educational change // Ekonomska globalizacija i razvoj u malim zemljama Europe / Krbec, Denisa (ur.). Pula: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Dr. Mijo Mirković Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2000. str. 49-50-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lipičnik, Bogdan ; Krbec, Denisa


Economic globalization and educational change

The changes in the structures and processes of economic production and distribution are crossing the boundaries between nation-states. Globalization is a relatively recent, widely used concept referring to a variety of socioeconomic and cultural processes. The term ‘globalization’ has persistently become the key concept in numerous socioeconomic analysis and policy studies of growth and development of nation-states and regions all around the globe. Formal interpretations and implications (UNESCO, EURYDICE et al.) have generated several broad issues and questions pertaining to the positioning of education in the globalized context. Educational systems are forced to response to the challenge of the globalization phenomenon. The challenges of diverse forms of globalization are neither new nor inevitable. One of them is certainly the necessity for criteria standardization of social intervention (or social invention) within, and partially outside of, the circle of the EU’s Member States. Main demand is very clear: efficiency in the (educational) service giving.From this perspective, attention needs to be given to the social as well to the economic policies that can be yield better quality work opportunities. There is an increasing amount of evidence that human resources today are one of the most important sources of competitive advantage. In order to achieve competitiveness trough people, we need both a highly skilled and capable workforce, and a high level of motivation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the educational restructuring from a comparative perspective, taking into account globalization trends and changes in the character of some kind of paradox: standardization or/and choice. In this sense, some critical opinions about emergent issues in education’s reforming will be presented.

education; educational reform; globalization and standardization; work opportunities

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Krbec, Denisa

Pula: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Dr. Mijo Mirković Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Podaci o skupu

1.međunarodna konferencija "Ekonomska globalizafcija i razvoj u malim zemljama Europe"/1st International Conference on Economic Globalization and Development of Small European Countries



Pula, Hrvatska

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