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On the amendments to the National Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 1999 (CROSBI ID 174375)

Prilog u časopisu | popularni rad

Ott, Katarina ; Bajo, Anto On the amendments to the National Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 1999 // Newsletter : an occasional publication of the Institute of Public Finance, 1 (1999), 3; 1-11

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ott, Katarina ; Bajo, Anto


On the amendments to the National Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 1999

This paper was prompted by the Amendments to the National Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 1999 (Official Gazette 70/99). Its objective is not to go into the soundness of the decisions of the government or the Parliament about the allocation of the revenue and expenditure of the Budget. E.g. whether it is necessary to buy fighter planes or not, or to increase or reduce salaries in the public sector. These things fall within the area of political decisions. It is up to the electorate to choose representatives that will make such decisions in line with their wishes. We shall attempt to ascertain in what conditions the amendments to the Budget are made, whether, as announced, it is really a reduction of the Budget that is at issue, what is actually being changed, and what the reasons for concern are. It is impossible to expect major changes in the Croatian Budget without correspondingly major changes in the entire political, social and economic situation of the country. For this reason we shall draw attention to some “technical” measures through which even in existing political circumstances, and with the application of existing regulations, the execution of the budget could be made more transparent and effective. In the first part of the article we shall highlight some basic problems that show up during an evaluation of the Budget. In the second we shall analyse the Budget and its amendments for 1999, in the third part we shall compare the amendments for 1999 and the outturn for 1998, in the fourth offer some conclusions, and in the fifth certain proposals.

budget ; Croatia

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