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Povijesni razvoj ciglane u Cerovlju (CROSBI ID 476641)

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Dujanić, Marčelo ; Dujanić, Vlatko ; Lušetić, Stojan ; Lušetić, Robert Povijesni razvoj ciglane u Cerovlju // Cerovljanski zbornik / Šiklić, Josip (ur.). Pazin: Skupština udruga Matice Hrvatske Istarske županije, 1999. str. 79-92-x

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Dujanić, Marčelo ; Dujanić, Vlatko ; Lušetić, Stojan ; Lušetić, Robert


Povijesni razvoj ciglane u Cerovlju

Together with his co-authors(Vlatko Dujanić,Stojan Lušetić and Robert Lušetić), the author describes the history of the brick factory which has represented an inportant mainstay for the development of the region.The production of bricks at Borut and Cerovlje is almost two hundred years old, a fact that is proved by the years imprinted on the roof tiles starting from 1803 onwards.Following the storiesof the local people it has been established that the first brick factory opened in 1904 at Borut. Its products were sent by railway to the markets of Pula, Opatija, Rijeka and others. Eight years later (1911-1912) another brick factory was built at Cerovlje. The authors menton periods of ups and downs which followed both of the brick factories. They also mention their owners, production capacities, investments, production volume etc. The majority of employers and foremen has alwaysbeen represented by an inhabitants of Cerovlje and Borut. At the beginning of the nineties the former social company ˝Istarska ciglana ˝ (the Istrian Brick Factory) was transformed into a stock company. In the recent years it underwent a period of crisis caused by the war and other accidents (ex.flooding). In spite of everything, the authors assesss that the investment and the new owners' structure and the new entrepreneurial management system resulted in the production increase.Good running of the buisiness and the development of the ˝Istarska ciglana ˝ Inc. Have a notable influence on the economic and other conditions of the Municipality of Cerovlje. Main future development trends are based on the activities of the factory (brick products at Cerovlje and concrete products at Borut ), market exspansion, development of the assortment in conformity with the tendency to incorporate pre-cast construction systems, raw material(brick clay found in the surroundings) and the labour whose main activity for centuries has been brick production and modernisation of the plant.In these processes it is necessary to maintain such level of development which will not disturb natural and ecological characteristics and values of the region.

razvoj; ciglana

nije evidentirano


Historical development of the brick factory at Cerovlje

nije evidentirano

development; brick factory

nije evidentirano

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Šiklić, Josip

Pazin: Skupština udruga Matice Hrvatske Istarske županije

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