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Interactions Between Economic and Natural Systems in Baranja: From Exploitation to Sustainability (CROSBI ID 476732)

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Borozan, Đula Interactions Between Economic and Natural Systems in Baranja: From Exploitation to Sustainability // Economic, Cultural, And Spiritual Heritage in National, European, And Global Transition / Bigelbauer, Mihajlo ; Barković, Dražen (ur.). Osijek: Grafika Osijek, 1999. str. 213-224-x

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Borozan, Đula


Interactions Between Economic and Natural Systems in Baranja: From Exploitation to Sustainability

In this paper, the interactions between socioeconomic systems and their natural environment in Baranja in the period 1974 - 1991 were analyzed. Regarding socioeconomic systems, the focus was given to the agriultural and industrial ones. Their relations to natural system determines primarily the interaction character between two systems. In the analyzed period, the interaction character striven to exploitation and degradation of environment quality. Although the positive development factors and processes were existed in the same time, a lack of legal regulation and ineffective performance mechanism, unsatisfactory economic stimuli and forces, chronic financial shortage, and insufficiently developed ecological consciousness limited these factors and processes, and minimized their effects.

sustainability; natural environment; agriculture; industry; Baranja

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bigelbauer, Mihajlo ; Barković, Dražen

Osijek: Grafika Osijek

Podaci o skupu

The First Pan-European Symposium: European Spring in CBH Triangle



Osijek, Hrvatska

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