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Trade Openness and Export Performances in Countries in Transition (CROSBI ID 476889)

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Vlahinić-Dizdarević, Nela ; Strahinja, Dušan Trade Openness and Export Performances in Countries in Transition // Enterprise in Transition / Goić, Srećko (ur.). Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 1999. str. 456-470-x

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Vlahinić-Dizdarević, Nela ; Strahinja, Dušan


Trade Openness and Export Performances in Countries in Transition

One of the most important policy changes in countries in transition during the 90s has been the implementation of the more opened and outward-looking trade regimes. The first step of economic reforms that includes trade liberalisation and improved openness of the economy to international trade was very important precondition in achieving international competitiveness of those countries. Theoretical grounds of the trade strategies, definition and classification of the overall trade orientation, as well as the relationship between openness and trade performance represent the framework for the further empirical analysis.

trade openness; trade performance; countries in transition; trade orientation

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Goić, Srećko

Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

Podaci o skupu

Enterprise in Transition



Split, Hrvatska

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