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Structural Changes in the Labour Market in Croatia (CROSBI ID 477000)

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Biljan-August, Maja Structural Changes in the Labour Market in Croatia // Statistical Methods in Socioeconomic Researches - Theory and Aplications / Kurkiewicz, Jolanta (ur.). Krakov: Akademia Ekonomiczna W Krakovie, 2000. str. 83-94-x

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Biljan-August, Maja


Structural Changes in the Labour Market in Croatia

The process of transition characterise structural changes throughout the economy and is also reflected in the structure of employment. If we presume the employment structure of the EU countries as a long-term target of the transition, than it is required a comparative analysis of the Croatian labour market among the EU countries and the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe. The analysis of the labour market is derived from the analysis of the economy and its development. Disparity between Croatia and the EU countries is significant. Therefore, Croatia is compared with the EU-15 average and less developed EU countries: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Among the transitional economies, Croatia is compared with the most developed: Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Poland.

structural changes; labour market

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Kurkiewicz, Jolanta

Krakov: Akademia Ekonomiczna W Krakovie

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