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Privatization as a basic characteristic of transitional process in the Republic of Croatia – The case of privatization in the town of Rijeka (CROSBI ID 477178)

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Sever, Ivo ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja Privatization as a basic characteristic of transitional process in the Republic of Croatia – The case of privatization in the town of Rijeka // Znanstveni skup Tranzicija gospodarstva / Andrijić, Stiepo (ur.). Mostar: Sveučilište u Mostaru – Ekonomski fakultet Mostar Sveučilište u, 1996. str. 213-229.-x

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Sever, Ivo ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja


Privatization as a basic characteristic of transitional process in the Republic of Croatia – The case of privatization in the town of Rijeka

Transitional process comprise complex social-economic market transformation of the ex-socialistic countries, and their major common characteristics in implementing the process of privatization. From the economic point of view ownership is linked to a number of factors which determine the lirm’s economic efficiency as well as the growth of national economy as whole. The task of privatization is to achieve the plural system of ewnership which enables co-existent various forms of ownership. The problems in privatization present drawbacks in further development of transitional processes, but also of economic development in general. The first phase of privatization was begun in the war conditions which significantlydetermined the dynamies and the achievements of the first privatization phase. The experience of the town Rijeka, with the large concentration of economic systems, shows that the solutions in privatization of medium and partikulary of large companies are unadequate. Big companies have remained mainly stateowned, and the state which has the controlling interest in the companies docs not contribute to the business efficiency. The process of privatization in itself is not enough, but it represents the basic for the development of market economy.

transitional process; privatisation; market; development; town of Rijeka

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Andrijić, Stiepo

Mostar: Sveučilište u Mostaru – Ekonomski fakultet Mostar Sveučilište u

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Znanstveni skup Tranzicija gospodarstva



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