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Die transformation des marktsystems in heutigen bedingungen (CROSBI ID 478107)

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Karpati, Tibor Die transformation des marktsystems in heutigen bedingungen // XX Wissenschaftliches Symmposium / Turkalj, Željko (ur.). Osijek: Fachhochschule Pforzheim, 1999. str. 18-23-x

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Karpati, Tibor


Die transformation des marktsystems in heutigen bedingungen

It is a time of great changes that happen in all spheres of human life at the turn of the 20th to the 21st century. In this respect, the changes are being implemented in the market system as well. The static microeconomics of Marshal and Walras has had, and it still has, a great respect in contemporary economic theory of the West. In recent decades, the economists dared to explore outside the standard neoclassicist competition theory in "new fields" (market unbalance, public choice theory, regulation theory, economic branch organization, etc.). The new turning points of modern microeconomic theory are the creation of a formal analysis of the ways wherein the market results are changed if we tone down Marshal's presuppositions on consumers and companies and application of these new instruments on interesting and unusual issues (criminality, drug abuse, familiar relations, etc.)

transformation; new ways of business transactions; microeconomics; system equilibrium; formal analysis; new instruments; usefulness; market goods and services combination; free competition market; low prices; creativity; diligence

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Transformation of market system in present conditions

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transformation; new ways of business transactions; microeconomics; system equilibrium; formal analysis; new instruments; usefulness; market goods and services combination; free competition market; low prices; creativity; diligence

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Turkalj, Željko

Osijek: Fachhochschule Pforzheim

Podaci o skupu

XX Wissenschaftliches Symmposium



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