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Marketing and Conusumer Behavior in East and South-East Asia (CROSBI ID 751897)

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Pecotich, Anthony ; Shultz, Clifford Marketing and Conusumer Behavior in East and South-East Asia // Marketing and Consumer Behavior in East and South-East Asia; McGraw Hill, Sydney. 1998.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pecotich, Anthony ; Shultz, Clifford


Marketing and Conusumer Behavior in East and South-East Asia

Perhaps the most spectacular component of the current economic revolution is the shift in the world economy's center of gravity to Asia. The extraordinary process of fast and steady growth in East Asia since the end of the 1960s has led to an overall redistribution of the world's economic power, the impact and implications of which are just beginning to be felt. In 1960, East Asia accounted for just 4% of world economic output. Between 1992 and the year 2000, 40% of all the new purchasing power created in the world will be in East Asia and the region will absorb between 35% and 40% of the global increase in imports. The purpose of this text is to provide insights into the present conditions and the future trends of marketing and consumer behavior in the various countries in the region.

marketing; conusmer behavior

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Podaci o izdanju

Marketing and Consumer Behavior in East and South-East Asia; McGraw Hill, Sydney


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