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The Role of Humanitarian Organization and Marketing in Economic Reconstruction: The Case of Daša (CROSBI ID 479839)

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Grbac, Bruno ; Shultz, Clifford ; Renko, Nataša ; Pavičić, Jurica ; Pecotich, Anthony The Role of Humanitarian Organization and Marketing in Economic Reconstruction: The Case of Daša // Marketing Challenges in Transition Economies / Lascu, D. ; Catoiu, I. ; Dholakia, N. et al. (ur.). Mangalia: International Sociaty for Marketing and Development, 1997. str. 219-223-x

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Grbac, Bruno ; Shultz, Clifford ; Renko, Nataša ; Pavičić, Jurica ; Pecotich, Anthony


The Role of Humanitarian Organization and Marketing in Economic Reconstruction: The Case of Daša

In this working paper, the authors discuss the importance of humanitarian organizations to economis reconstruction in Croatia, a formerly socialist country that has been through a five-year period of war activity (1991-1995). Social marketing processes and non governmental organizations (NGOs) have been instrumental to reconstruction. The Case of the Daša organization is discussed here to illustrate the role and effectiveness of NGOs in facilitating the reconstruction process. The authors suggest this case may be used as a model for NGO involvment in transition economies and/or in the countries affected by war of other extreme conditions.

Humanitarian Organizations; Marketing; Economic Reconstruction; Daša

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lascu, D. ; Catoiu, I. ; Dholakia, N. ; Grossbart, S.

Mangalia: International Sociaty for Marketing and Development

Podaci o skupu

6th International Conference on Marketing and Development: Marketing Challenges in Transition Economies



Mangalia, Rumunjska

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