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Structural Changes of Academics in the Republic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 479974)

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Kesić, Tanja ; Piri Rajh, Sunčana Structural Changes of Academics in the Republic of Croatia // 1st International Conference on Globalisation and Development of Small European Countries / Božina, Lovre ; Krbec, Denisa (ur.). Pula: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Dr. Mijo Mirković Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2001. str. 267-278-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kesić, Tanja ; Piri Rajh, Sunčana


Structural Changes of Academics in the Republic of Croatia

The main objectives of this research were to 1. investigate the changes in the scientific interests of academics and the changes in time allocation, 2. to help the management of academics from an institutional point of view in order to approach an ideal level of scientific and teaching standards in the world, and 3. to help the Ministry of Science in drawing valid conclusions for the more succsessful management of academics in the Republic of Croatia. In order to reach these goals we have investigated the dominant motives of the academics at the University of Zagreb, which have motivated them to choose this profession. Second, this study describes time allocation on different part of the job of the academics, and the issue of percived time stress resulting from differences real and ideal time allocation choices. The third part was dedicated to the attitudes and opinions of the academics about the different part of their activities and projection of their attitudes to the young academics. Last we address the issue of overall job satisfaction which was not satisfactory high. We also present comparative results in several European, American and Asian countries. All these issues have significant value for management of academics at the level of state. For that purpose we conducted two studies, in order to check the change in the segments of academic profession which we investigated. The first study we conducted in 1995 and repeated it in 1999. We wanted to see what changes (if any), have taken place in management process of academics in the Republic of Croatia. All data will serve as a ground for management of scientific institutions aimed to reach world academic standards.

academics; management of academics; scientific interests; time allocation of academics; changes in management of academics

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Božina, Lovre ; Krbec, Denisa

Pula: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Dr. Mijo Mirković Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli

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1st International Conference on Globalisation and Development of Small European Countries



Pula, Hrvatska

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