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Responsibility Accounting Information System of the Tourism Enterprises in the 21st Century (CROSBI ID 480003)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Peršić, Milena Responsibility Accounting Information System of the Tourism Enterprises in the 21st Century // Učetnictvi a dane na prahu 21. stoleti / Hotova, Renata (ur.). Ostrava: Ekonomski fakultet Ostrava, 2000. str. 74-80-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Peršić, Milena


Responsibility Accounting Information System of the Tourism Enterprises in the 21st Century

The basic idea behind responsibility accounting information system is that each manager's performance should be judged by how well he/she manages those items, and only those items under his/her control. In effect, segment reporting in responsibility accounting must personalise accounting information, by looking at costs from a personal control atandpoint.

responsibility accounting; standard cost; segment reporting; tourism; 21st century

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Hotova, Renata

Ostrava: Ekonomski fakultet Ostrava

Podaci o skupu

Mezinrodni konference Učetnictvi a dane na prahu 21. stoleti



Ostrava, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada
