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Supplier Selection in a Virtual Enterprise by the Application of the VSP/CD Method (CROSBI ID 480227)

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Babić, Zoran ; Veža Ivica Supplier Selection in a Virtual Enterprise by the Application of the VSP/CD Method // Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering -CIM '99 / Cebalo, R. ; Schultz, H. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS), 1999. str. 11-20-x

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Babić, Zoran ; Veža Ivica


Supplier Selection in a Virtual Enterprise by the Application of the VSP/CD Method

Directing the strategy of manufacturing and service enterprises to satisfy customers demanding special characteristics, high quality and acceptable price requires new forms of production structures. The classic organization form cannot fully satisfy these requrements. Therefore a new type of organization has developed which enableslinking resources into a so-called contracting-out network finally resulting in a common product or service. Linking resources of different factories and individual human resources results in a virtual enterprise whose characteristics, organization, accounting and management are different from those of a hierarhically organised enterprise. In this paper the authors did the vendor selection of the four suppliers of bearings built in the winch by the application of the VSP/CD method. The basic criteria where the performances of quality, delivery and supplier capacities, The prices vary in relation to the size of order quantities.

decision system; vendor selection; price breaks

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cebalo, R. ; Schultz, H.

Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS)

Podaci o skupu

5th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering-CIM '99



Opatija, Hrvatska

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