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The Development of Innovatory Production Systems in Turbulent Enviroment (CROSBI ID 480228)

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Babić, Zoran ; Belak, Vinko ; Veža, Ivica The Development of Innovatory Production Systems in Turbulent Enviroment // Proceedings of the 14th Triennial World Congress of IFAC-International Federation of Automatic Control / Organizing Committee of IFAC (ur.). Peking: International Federation of Automatic Control, 1999. str. 111-115-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Babić, Zoran ; Belak, Vinko ; Veža, Ivica


The Development of Innovatory Production Systems in Turbulent Enviroment

In the last ten years several new conceptions of production systems have been developed (Lean production, Fractal factory, Business process reengineering, Virtual factory etc.). As a country in transition Croatia is at the turning point between the planned economy and the market based economy. It is therefore necessary during the process of privatization to restructure the existing enterprises and to introduce new organization structures. These structures must be adapted to the present situation regarding culture, the levels of education and tehnology, and other conditions. The paper describes the results of research performed so far regarding the new forms of organizatioanla structures, as well as the research being planned for the future.

production system; innovation; lean manufacturing; fractal factory

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Organizing Committee of IFAC

Peking: International Federation of Automatic Control

Podaci o skupu

14th Triennial World Congress of IFAC



Peking, Kina

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