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The Insurance Industry in the Economic Development of Central and Eastern Europe (CROSBI ID 481004)

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Duvnjak-Ćurak, Marijana The Insurance Industry in the Economic Development of Central and Eastern Europe // International conference on Business and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe : Implications for economic integration into wider Europe. Toruń: Nicolas Copernicus Universita of Torun, 1999. str. 146-156

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Duvnjak-Ćurak, Marijana


The Insurance Industry in the Economic Development of Central and Eastern Europe

The work examines the development and consequences of growth of insurance companies on developing countries of Central and Eastern Europe and gives an overview of development and assessing their role in promoting social development and investment.

insurance industry; capital market; privatization; development

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International conference on Business and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe : Implications for economic integration into wider Europe



Toruń, Poljska

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