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Roles of Virtual Retail and of Geographic Information System in the Planning of the Territorial Deployment of Retail Network (CROSBI ID 481988)

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Segetlija, Zdenko ; Lamza-Maronić, Maja Roles of Virtual Retail and of Geographic Information System in the Planning of the Territorial Deployment of Retail Network // International Conference & Exhibition Proceedings "GIS Croatia 2000" / Kereković, Davorin (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski informatički zbor - GIS Forum, Zagreb; INA - Industrija, 2000. str. 263 - 269-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Segetlija, Zdenko ; Lamza-Maronić, Maja


Roles of Virtual Retail and of Geographic Information System in the Planning of the Territorial Deployment of Retail Network

In this paper the authors have pointed out the role of virtual retail and GIS (Geographic Information System) in the formation of new retail trade units and in the improvement of the planning of the territorial arrangement of the retail network. Achievemets of modern information technologies have allowed an acceleration of all business and transaction processes. Also, thanks to the achievements of modern information technologies, it is possible to further rationalize the utilization of the factors of the working process in the retail business: space, supplies, labor force, and the like.

retail business unit; retail network; shop; geographic information system; territorial deployment of the retail trade

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Podaci o prilogu

263 - 269-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kereković, Davorin

Zagreb: Hrvatski informatički zbor - GIS Forum, Zagreb; INA - Industrija

Podaci o skupu

"GIS Croatia 2000" - International Conference & Exibition



Zagreb, Hrvatska; Osijek, Hrvatska; PP Lonjsko polje, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
