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Informational Funktion of Trade and Creation of New Business Entites (CROSBI ID 481998)

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Segetlija, Zdenko ; Lamza-Maronić, Maja Informational Funktion of Trade and Creation of New Business Entites // INFORMATION AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS IIS`99 conference booklet / Maleković, Mirko; Lovrenčić, Alen (ur.). Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1999. str. 23-23-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Segetlija, Zdenko ; Lamza-Maronić, Maja


Informational Funktion of Trade and Creation of New Business Entites

The creation of new business units being developed in the function of surmounting the insufficient market transparency. Connected therewith, the informational function of the trade is mostly being developed. In that wai, the development od new different combinations of the cost effective and price-favorable forms of retail business entites, i.e., of business entites with a high service level, is being enabled. At the same time, developing its pre-electoral functions, a retail company shapes the so-called "virtual stores", whwerein again the consumers are guaranteed the quality and a good assortment. Such business entites will become the "informers and organizers" of supply with regard to the cost optimization in an overall logistic chain.


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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Maleković, Mirko; Lovrenčić, Alen

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

10th International Conference - IIS`99 Varaždin



Varaždin, Hrvatska

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