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Total Quality Management for the Hotel Industry and Tourism (CROSBI ID 465032)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka Total Quality Management for the Hotel Industry and Tourism // Quality Management in Tourism / Keller, Peter (ur.). AIEST, St-Gallen, Suisse, 1996. str. 173-192-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka


Total Quality Management for the Hotel Industry and Tourism

Quality today is a fundamental factor for market survival, competitiveness and profitability. Strategic business planning is based on a TQM system. Quality is not produced, it is a management tool. Development of quality in developed economiccountries has shown that quality is something which is built, developed and constantly enhanced. The system TQM is totally market oriented, buyer-led, as the process starts with the buyer (what he wants) and finishes with the buyer (a satisfied buyer). This is a cycle consisting of five basic activities: planning quality, realising quality, evaluating quality, achieving quality and improving quality, which is being constantly repeated. The advantages of introducing TQM for the service sector, tourism and hotel industry are big, both economically and socially. Poor business productivity and unsatisfactory quality of the product and service are weaknesses of Croatia's economy. Ahead lies the process of learning and introducing TQM for our economy, as this is a condition and necessity for inclusion into world business trends and world markets.

quality; Total Quality MAnagement; quality cycle; elements of quality

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Keller, Peter

AIEST, St-Gallen, Suisse

Podaci o skupu

Quality Management in Tourism



Cha-am, Tajland

Povezanost rada
