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Determinants of Ethnocentric Tendencies in Purchasing Behavior in the Republic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 484211)

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Kesić, Tanja ; Ozretić-Došen, Đurđana ; Previšić, Jozo Determinants of Ethnocentric Tendencies in Purchasing Behavior in the Republic of Croatia // Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science: New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millenium / Moore, Melissa L. ; Moore, Robert S. (ur.). San Diego (CA): Academy of Marketing Science, 2001. str. 137-142-x

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Kesić, Tanja ; Ozretić-Došen, Đurđana ; Previšić, Jozo


Determinants of Ethnocentric Tendencies in Purchasing Behavior in the Republic of Croatia

This paper explores the influence of several dimensions of socio-psychological concepts of patriotism, conservatism/liberalism, collectivism/individualism and cultural openness on Croatian consumer's ethnocentrism and on their awareness on both global and domestic brands. In addition, four demographic factors (age, gender, education, and income) were used as potential antecendents of consumer's ethocentric tendencies.

consumer behavior; ethnocentrism; consumer's ethocentric tendencies

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Moore, Melissa L. ; Moore, Robert S.

San Diego (CA): Academy of Marketing Science

Podaci o skupu

24th Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science: New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millenium



San Diego (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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