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Marketing and the Social Development in the Republic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 484413)

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Meler, Marcel Marketing and the Social Development in the Republic of Croatia // The Proceedings of the 27th Annual Macromarketing Conference "Macromarketing in the Asia Pacific Century" / Cadeaux, Jack; Pecotich, Anthony (ur.). Sydney: The University of New South Wales, 2002. str. 1-15-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Meler, Marcel


Marketing and the Social Development in the Republic of Croatia

Undoubtedly, development is a fundamental question of all transitional countries. In the Republic of Croatia, inhibited in this segment by war circumstances, it is a key issue as well. Nonetheless, it does not pertain solely to a general economic but also to the social development. Marketing might play a very important role in this direction. In order to consider a possible marketing role in the Republic of Croatia’s social development, the paper primarily analyzes the marketing-related state of affairs and perspectives, as well as social development’s characteristics and its operationalization modalities. Finally, the aim is to examine social marketing as such and the possibilities of its application in the Republic of Croatia.

Croatia; marketing; social development; social marketing

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cadeaux, Jack; Pecotich, Anthony

Sydney: The University of New South Wales

Podaci o skupu

27th Annual Macromarketing Conference "Macromarketing in the Asia Pacific Century



Sydney, Australija

Povezanost rada
