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Croatian Tax Adjustment to the EU and "Ecosocial Market Economy" (CROSBI ID 465382)

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Sever, Ivo ; Blažić, Helena ; Hadjina, Branko Croatian Tax Adjustment to the EU and "Ecosocial Market Economy" // Economic System of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia / Kandžija, Vinko ; Kumar, Andrej ; Palankai, Tibor et al. (ur.). Rijeka, 1997. str. 161-175-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sever, Ivo ; Blažić, Helena ; Hadjina, Branko


Croatian Tax Adjustment to the EU and "Ecosocial Market Economy"

The starting research point is the comparison of the Croatian and EU members' tax systems (tax harmonization problem). The transitional characteristics of the croatian society and the possibilities of implementing the ecosocial market economy principles will be considered too.The thesis supported here says that the greater part of the differences from the starting points results from the relatively stronger emphasis on the economic efficiency and horizontal equity. The specific way in which these principles have been understood and implemented is the result of the contemporary tendencies of the financial science and the doctrine of the ecosocial market economy.

tax system; tax harmonization; transition; environmental taxes; economic-ecological model

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija, Vinko ; Kumar, Andrej ; Palankai, Tibor ; et al.


Podaci o skupu

Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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