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Frontier Financial Market and European Financial Market (A Compoarative Analysis) (CROSBI ID 484833)

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Prohaska, Zdenko ; Miljan, Ingrid Frontier Financial Market and European Financial Market (A Compoarative Analysis) // International Conference "Economic System of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia" / Kanđija, Vinko (ur.). Rijeka, 2001. str. 265-275-x

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Prohaska, Zdenko ; Miljan, Ingrid


Frontier Financial Market and European Financial Market (A Compoarative Analysis)

Among the European Union accesion countries there ae several Central and Eastern European countries, which in terms of financial markets, can be considered as frontier financial markets. Since the European fiancial markets, i.e. the financial markets in EMU member countries, is going through a process of integration and globalisation and new member countires are approaching EMU, the purpose of this comparative analysis of Eastern European frontier financial markets and main financial markets in EMU member countries is to find out what are the differeces and similarities among those two groups of financial markets. This comparative analysis is based on data reflecting the size and structure of frontier capital markets in countries mentioned above and capital markets in EMU member countries, especially in terms of turnover, market capitalization and number of listed securities. Because risk and liquidity are two main goals in internatinal investments and portfolio diversification, an additional analysis will be done concerning the correlation between these frontier financial markets and mature financial markets in developed countries.

Frontier Financial Markets; European Financial Markets; Stock Exchanges; Trading Overviews; Correlation

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3rd International Conference "Economic System of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia"



Lovran, Hrvatska

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