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Adopting A Market Oriented Philosophy in South East Europe: A Dynamic Perspective (CROSBI ID 26972)

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Grbac, Bruno ; Martin, James Adopting A Market Oriented Philosophy in South East Europe: A Dynamic Perspective // Developing Market Based Resource Strategies for South East Europe / Grbac, Bruno ; Martin, James (ur.). Cleveland (OH) : Rijeka: John Carroll University ; Sveučilište u Rijeci, 2001. str. 19-32-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Grbac, Bruno ; Martin, James


Adopting A Market Oriented Philosophy in South East Europe: A Dynamic Perspective

A market orientation is both a philosophy toward engaging in business and a set of well-defined business activities that, when implemented, can dramatically increase the profitability and growth of firms. Because of its strong relationship to success, a market orientation is a crucial development stage for firms in the transition economies of South East Europe. Examining the acceptance and implementation of a market orientation from a diffusion of innovation perspective, this paper identifies some of the key factors that may increase or decrease the rate of acceptance of a market oriented philosophy and hence the rate of business development in the region.

Market Orientation, South East Europe

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Podaci o knjizi

Grbac, Bruno ; Martin, James

Cleveland (OH) : Rijeka: John Carroll University ; Sveučilište u Rijeci



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