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Agriculture of Croatia in the transition- development conditions (CROSBI ID 485629)

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Petrač, Božidar ; Zmaić, Krunoslav Agriculture of Croatia in the transition- development conditions // Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering / Nicolay, Mihailov (ur.). Ruse: University of Rousse Angel Kanchev, 2002. str. 333-338

Podaci o odgovornosti

Petrač, Božidar ; Zmaić, Krunoslav


Agriculture of Croatia in the transition- development conditions

The Republic of Croatia is in the process of transition, but the agriculture is very important activity of economy, which depends on development of numerous complementary activities, that why it is important to confirm the influence of development activities of Croatia. Agricultural soil in Republic of Croatia presents big food-productions potential, so that 35% of national area makes the arable agricultural land, and if we add the Adriatic sea and freshwater resources we can say that Republic of Croatia has meaningful natural potentials for production of food. The process of transition of agriculture in Republic of Croatia is unsatisfied and it is caused by the Domestic war and bad management of agricultural politics, which is not in the function of development of agriculture. In the work are analysed dynamics transition of agricultural production development, long-term development and structure trends, specialisation of agricultural production and market. According to the certain research, it is established that larger number of agricultural production stagnates or falls, foreign-trade balance is negative, so by analysing of productive functions it is given the possibilities of further agricultural development in Republic of Croatia.

transition ; agriculture ; development ; market

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Nicolay, Mihailov

Ruse: University of Rousse Angel Kanchev

Podaci o skupu

Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering



Ruse, Bugarska

Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Šumarstvo