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The Influence of Evaluation Factors on an Enterprise's Value (CROSBI ID 96559)

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Crnković-Stumpf, Branka The Influence of Evaluation Factors on an Enterprise's Value // Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, XIX (2001), 2; 53-63-x

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Crnković-Stumpf, Branka


The Influence of Evaluation Factors on an Enterprise's Value

The paper assessed the transition process of the Croatian enterprises through the issue of evaluating an enterprise. Its focus was adjusting an enterprise’ s value according to the changes occurring in the enterprises itself and in its environment. An enterprise’ s value is determined as a result of certain factors. More specified, the basis for accurate evaluation of an enterprise is defining those factors and the intensity of their influence on the enterprise’ s value. The influence of the economic environment factors and the internal company factors is shown on an example of an actual enterprise. The example includes those factors which are directly or indirectly connected with the international surroundings, meaning those factors are directly or indirectly affected by the international surroundings. Each of the mentioned factors, the evaluation of an enterprise is based on, has a different way of influencing its value. The type and the strength of influence depend on the particular enterprise being evaluated and on the reason for evolution itself. A universal rule for determining the extengion and intensity of each factor’ s influence does not exist. When evaluating a particular enterprise, it is essential to determine the influence of each of those factors and business circumstances. Key words: evaluation factors, enterprise’ s value, privatisation, development, economic environment factors, internal company factors

evaluation factors; enterprise’ s value; privatisation; development; economic environment factors; internal company factors

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