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Reform's Framework for Incorporating Collaborative Leaning Activities (CROSBI ID 27199)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Krbec, Denisa Reform's Framework for Incorporating Collaborative Leaning Activities // Challenges to Informing Clients: A Transdisciplinary Approach / Harriger, Alka (ur.). Santa Rosa (CA): Informing Science Institute, 2001. str. 330-336-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krbec, Denisa


Reform's Framework for Incorporating Collaborative Leaning Activities

The majority of school reforms’ efforts are often realized without any contribution from technology in the main content of school “production” process. Technological solution is not necessarily related to the reform’s activities. Categories of educational technology implementation are designed to highlight differences in the learning activities and related (technological) applications. The “educational technology” includes different tools for learning, student/teacher collaboration possibilities, as well as a range of curriculum development, and incorporation of “collaborative” activities in the school organization. Reform-oriented ways of implementing (collaborative, engaged) learning include importance of connections to curricular goals and policy frameworks. The purpose is very clear: incorporating new directions in the mostly traditional learning process. Studies of classroom implementations of technology have demonstrated that we can use “technology effectiveness framework” to measure the extent to which individual technologies and technology-enhanced programs are effective. This paper briefs this issue with indicators for measuring the effectiveness of technologies used in education.

educational technology, educational reform, organization, curriculum, educational indicators

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Podaci o knjizi

Harriger, Alka

Santa Rosa (CA): Informing Science Institute



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