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Reforming Higher Education: A Croatian Case (CROSBI ID 486320)

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Krbec, Denisa ; Škare, Marinko Reforming Higher Education: A Croatian Case // Higher Education and its Socio-Political Context / van Tilburg, Peter (ur.). Tilburg: Development Research Institute - IVO, 2001. str. 1-14-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krbec, Denisa ; Škare, Marinko


Reforming Higher Education: A Croatian Case

Croatia’s current major educational reform campaign is aimed at restructuring the school system. One of its central tasks is to diversify higher education in response to the growing divergence in youths’ professional orientation and choice’s value. Following other reforms during the transition process, higher education in Croatia began a process of transformation, modernization and diversification. When completed, it would fundamentally alter the profile of the traditional university. In these circumstances many discussions about the future of Croatian higher education concern the issues of finance and management. The purpose of this paper is to identify principles that could offer alternative solutions to governance and entrepreneurial management in institutions of higher education.

higher education; educational reform; economic growth; human capital; institutions of higher education; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

van Tilburg, Peter

Tilburg: Development Research Institute - IVO

Podaci o skupu

Higher Education and its Socio-Political Context. Relevance and effectiveness of international cooperation

pozvano predavanje


Tilburg, Nizozemska

Povezanost rada
