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The Models of Credit that Insure Uniqueness of Efective Interest Rate (CROSBI ID 486813)

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Relić, Branko ; Šego, Boško The Models of Credit that Insure Uniqueness of Efective Interest Rate // 9th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 2002 / Šorić, Kristina ; Hunjak, Tihomir (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za operacijska istraživanja (CRORS), 2002. str. 14-15-x

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Relić, Branko ; Šego, Boško


The Models of Credit that Insure Uniqueness of Efective Interest Rate

On the 1st January 2002 Croatian National Bank passed the Decision about unique expressing of effective interest rate that should represent the real price of credit products and shares of deposit products. However, that Decision does not include all relevant variables (for potential debtor) and there stands an open question about use of the methodology generating more than one effective interest rate meeting the requirements. This paper contemplates especially which other parameters should be considered with aim that effective interest rate really represents the transparent price of credit and shares of deposit, as much as conditions to make that rate the unique one. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the models of credit that can prove to generate the unique effective interest rate.

Models of credit; effective interest rate; uniqueness

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Šorić, Kristina ; Hunjak, Tihomir

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za operacijska istraživanja (CRORS)

Podaci o skupu

9th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 2002.



Trogir, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
