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Croatia's development possibilities in the European Union environment (CROSBI ID 465569)

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Karaman-Aksentijević, Nada Croatia's development possibilities in the European Union environment // Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia / Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai et al. (ur.). Rijeka: Faculty of Economics ; Trieste : Facolta di Economia, 1997. str. 86-96-x

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Karaman-Aksentijević, Nada


Croatia's development possibilities in the European Union environment

The European Union has a large share in Croatia's exports. Integration into the European Union is considered Croatias long-term goal. That is why one of the key development issues of Croatia's economy is how to improve the economic activities compatible with the European Union. In the paper the possible directions of Croatia's economic development have been investigated. Three determiners for the identification of the main development directions have been applied. They are: 1. The development results achieved up to now in particular activities and industries. 2. High-growth industry from the viewpoint of European standards of products and services, which can be tested through the export results achieved up to now. 3. Protective policy applied by the EU countries, and which they are going to apply with regard to particular products or group of products.

Croatian economy; development; European Union

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai ; Karaman-Aksentijević ; Gabrovec-Mei

Rijeka: Faculty of Economics ; Trieste : Facolta di Economia

Podaci o skupu

I. International Conference Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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