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Adaptation of the Statistical System of the Republic of Croatia to the Statistical System of the European Union (CROSBI ID 465572)

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Grubišić, Mirko ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja Adaptation of the Statistical System of the Republic of Croatia to the Statistical System of the European Union // Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia / Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai et al. (ur.). Rijeka : Trst: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1997. str. 288-295-x

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Grubišić, Mirko ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja


Adaptation of the Statistical System of the Republic of Croatia to the Statistical System of the European Union

The Republic of Croatia is undertaking adequate measures in all its territories in order to adapt its legal and economic system to the systems of market economies, and especially to those of the states of the European Union. By introducing European statistical standards Croatia has to assure comparable indicators, by which to make possible comparative analysis of the competitiveness of its economy and in this way to contribute to its inclusion into the European Union. Statistical information has by now occupied an important place in market economies, and it is today becoming more and more apparent that statistical information is also business information, and that it does not serve exclusively to devise and monitor the implementation of a certain economic policy at government level, but also to prepare analytical materials for the making of business decisions at the level of business operators. Recently intensive efforts have been made to introduce statistical standards of the European Union into the Croatian statistical system, so that in some of its parts the Croatian statistical system is already compatible with the European system. Herewith the statistical system is making a considerable contribution to the preparation of the Croatian economy for accession to the European Union.

Statistics; EUROSTAT; Statistical system of the Republic of Croatia; Statistical system of the European Union

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai ; Karaman Aksentijević ; Gabrovec Mei

Rijeka : Trst: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Podaci o skupu

I. International Conference Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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