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Images of Europe from a Croatian Perspective (CROSBI ID 487075)

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Šakaja, Laura Images of Europe from a Croatian Perspective // L'héritage soviétique dand les PECO et en EEI Pariz, Francuska, 25.09.2001-27.09.2001

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šakaja, Laura


Images of Europe from a Croatian Perspective

In the eyes of the Croatian youth Europe is mentally divided on "good" and "bad" parts. On one side is the close to ideal West, and on the other side is the unattractive word of the East. Moreover Europe is perceived in terms of binary oppositions. However, concrete experiences associated with transition are replacing the idealised image of the West from the beginning of the transitional period by more down to earth expectations. In this way the West has been demystified, and the attitude towards the West is becoming more mature and realistic.

Europe; West; East; binary oppositions; images; mental map

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Podaci o skupu

L'héritage soviétique dand les PECO et en EEI



Pariz, Francuska

Povezanost rada

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