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Influence of the Repair Shipyard on Coastal Sea Quality (CROSBI ID 465602)

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Višnja, Hinić ; Zazijal-Marušić, Jasna ; Zahtila, Elvis Influence of the Repair Shipyard on Coastal Sea Quality // Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 97 / Özhan, E. (ur.). MEDCOAST Secretariat, 1997. str. 67-75-x

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Višnja, Hinić ; Zazijal-Marušić, Jasna ; Zahtila, Elvis


Influence of the Repair Shipyard on Coastal Sea Quality

Rijeka Bay is one of the so-called environmental "hot spots" on the eeastern Adriatic Coast. It is a densely populated urban area characterized by considerable industrial activity and heavy traffic. Shipbuilding industry with its three large shipyards situated within the area is one of the sgnificant sources of marine pollution. The content of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals in the marine sediment of Martinš ica Cove was maesured in order to establish the level and spatial distribution of marine contamination caused by shipyard activity that started back in 1976. In addition, a study of the macrobenthic community was also done. The investigation was carried out at two stations inside Martinš ica Cove and at one station near the cove entrance. Sve anj Cove, located 1500 meters away, still within Rijeka Bay, was chosen as reference station. Very high heavy metal concentrations (iron 14000-19000 mg/kg DW, zinc 686-984 mg/kg DW, copper 277-231 mg/kg DW, lead 115-190 mh/kg DW, mercury 1.57-3.57 mg/kg DW) as well as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (total PHAs 16.0-31.5 mg/kg DW) in sediment were found.

Rijeka bay; sea quality; repair shipyard

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The Third International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment



Qawra, Malta

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