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Songs of Sarajevo: Students Sharing Refugee Experience (CROSBI ID 465613)

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Pettan, Svanibor Songs of Sarajevo: Students Sharing Refugee Experience // The 22nd ISME World Conference: The Universal Language. Abstracts / Barzilay, Ed (et al.) (ur.). Amsterdam: International Society for Music Education, 1996. str. 230-231-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pettan, Svanibor


Songs of Sarajevo: Students Sharing Refugee Experience

The ways of using music in conflict management were elaborated theoretically and practically - with the results of the projects which - through the use of music - improved the relations among the pupils of different origin in Norway, among the refugees and students in Croatia, Norway and Slovenia, and between refugee mothers and their children in Slovenia

exile; music

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Podaci o prilogu




Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Barzilay, Ed (et al.)

Amsterdam: International Society for Music Education

Podaci o skupu

The 22nd ISME World Conference: The Universal Language



Amsterdam, Nizozemska

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti