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Enological, economical, social and viticulture "terroir" units as fundamental elements of mosaic of "big" zoning (CROSBI ID 487307)

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Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Gluhić, David ; Staver, Mario ; Oplanić, Milan Enological, economical, social and viticulture "terroir" units as fundamental elements of mosaic of "big" zoning // Abstract book / Grupa autora (ur.). Avignon, 2002. str. pp-x

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Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Gluhić, David ; Staver, Mario ; Oplanić, Milan


Enological, economical, social and viticulture "terroir" units as fundamental elements of mosaic of "big" zoning

In the any last decade was the large number of research about viticulture zoning. The begin of zoning research was funden on the term and principle of "terroir". Then, the term "terroir" was divided to "unite de terroir de base", unite o sisteme de culture viticole", "unite o sisteme de transformatione valorizzazion" and as the last new segment "sistemi produtivi globali del territorio" (the global productive system of territory). All this new terms, with a respect to social and economical aspects has a unique name of "big" zoning (GRANDE ZONAZIONE) (Morlat R. 1996, Carbonneau A., 1996, Touzard J.M., Carbonneau a., Cargnello, G., 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, Milotić A., Cargnello G., Persuric G. 1999, Persuric G., Staver m., Cargnello G., 2000, Milotic A., Oplanic m., Cargnello G., PersuricG., 2000). According quoted annotation for successfully process of viticulture zoning, and not only to viticulture, need to start of next items: existence, social aspects, economic aspectes, which present the different stairs in the zoning process. The sequence of next terms, "terroir" - vineyards (for example: variety, clone, training form, canopy management, yield and other) - vine cellar (for example: technology of wine making) - communication - marketing make a important factors to process of "big" zoning. For confirm the quoted "new" hypothesis in the zoning process was done the research in the Istria (croatia). For needs of research was taken all social and economical aspects and then the different techniques in vine growing and wine making, and the characteristics of soil and climate. The research made in Istria was confirmed the hypothesis of "big" zoning process. This research was confirmed also the importance of "terroir" and in the same moment the importance of lower units "unite de culture viticole de transformation de valorisation" for viticulture production.

Viticulture zoning;

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IVe Symposium International Avignon 2002 Zonage Vitivinicole



Avignon, Francuska

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Poljoprivreda (agronomija)