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Application of viticulture zoning in Istria (Croatia) as important element for valorizzation of all territory resource (product, environment, tourism and others) (CROSBI ID 487318)

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Milotić, Aldo ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Velenik, Robert ; Staver, Mario ; Knaus, Kristina Application of viticulture zoning in Istria (Croatia) as important element for valorizzation of all territory resource (product, environment, tourism and others) // Abstract book / Grupa autora (ur.). Avignon, 2002. str. pp-x

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Milotić, Aldo ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Velenik, Robert ; Staver, Mario ; Knaus, Kristina


Application of viticulture zoning in Istria (Croatia) as important element for valorizzation of all territory resource (product, environment, tourism and others)

For construction of one innovative tourist project, was taken the historic zone of central Istria, the city of Motovun, with a rich agriculture and other territory resource. The project was done acording facts of "Sistema produtivo globale del Territorio"-SPGT (Global productive system of viticulture territory), as previously described Cargnello (1996) in the works about "grande" zoning. One very important component in the valorization process of Motovun zone as certainly vine variety named Teran. Variety Teran done red, hard vine, very special for agro-climatic condiof Motovun area. In this research was done the "reconstruction" of this historic variety, with aim to change in viticulture and vine technolohy, taken all specificity of touristic market and producer skills (Cargnello G., 1995). For needs of zoning investigation was taken all specific factors of Motovun area, like: characteristic of soil, the vineyards surfaces, training form, yield and other. The special accent was done to marketing of product, in the chain grape-cellar-wine-bottle-consumer. Like a specific consumer in this zone, exist the seasonal turistic market. In the harmony of all market requirement, in the process of valorization of Teran wine, was taken also the valorization of white tartufs (specific under soil mushroom) and specific istrian ham. Summarized all presented data are visible the importance of zoning process also to development to agri-tourism, that confirm the principles of "big" zoning to smaller area as the area of Motovun city.

viticulture zoning; tourism; territory resource; Istria; Motovun

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IVe Symposium International Avignon 2002 Zonage Vitivinicole



Avignon, Francuska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija), Ekonomija