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Legal Aspects of Minorities in Croatia (CROSBI ID 488206)

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Domini, Mirjana Legal Aspects of Minorities in Croatia // -. 2002

Podaci o odgovornosti

Domini, Mirjana


Legal Aspects of Minorities in Croatia

The New Constitutional Law for the Protection of Minorities in the Republic of Croatia carried out a few questions: representation of minorities in the Parliament, participation in the decision making process, decentralisation and the role of minorities on the county and local level and the problem of pyramide from minority organisation to central state bodies. The new official census is linked with the implementation of new laws, i.e. the Law on Minority Languages in the Education System and Minority Languages in Use on the Official Level. Changes in the ethnic structure of Croatia after the war reflect problems in the implementation of existing rules and laws for the protection of national minorities in Croatia. Comparison with other European countries (especially with Austria) shows certain specific characteristics and that it is a process which is necessary to be built up.

minority rights; legal protection; Croatia; Constitutional Law; minority standards

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