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Development and applicability of a new electrode systems for trace metals determination in natural water systems (CROSBI ID 466890)

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Omanović, Dario ; Peharec, Željko ; Branica, Marko Development and applicability of a new electrode systems for trace metals determination in natural water systems // Proceedings / Gojo, M. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 1998. str. 63-66-x

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Omanović, Dario ; Peharec, Željko ; Branica, Marko


Development and applicability of a new electrode systems for trace metals determination in natural water systems

A new sensitive electrode systems for the determination of very low trace metal concentration and speciation in natural water systems, are developed and tested. The applicability of the new mercury drop electrode system (MDE-1) for the determination and the speciation of trace metals in natural water sample is described. After replacing the material of the plastic stirrer and the glass tip of the reference electrode with the quartz one, the dissolved copper(II) ions adsorption is depressed from 60% (at copper(II) concentration of 1´10-7 M) to less then 20% (at copper(II) concentration of 2´10-8 M). The sensitivity of the electrode is enhanced by changing the form of the rotating stirrer. The detection limit of 2.5´10-11 M Cd2+ was achieved. The characteristics of the new "turbo" system for the efficient transport of the electrolyte to the surface of a stationary thin mercury film electrode are tested. The sensitivity of the measurement by new electrode system is enhanced two-fold in comparison to the rotating disk electrode with the same rotation rate. The experimental detection limit for lead ions of 8´10-12 M was achieved.

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Gojo, M.

Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo

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Varaždin, Hrvatska

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