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Profitability of Agriculture Production on Small Farms in Istria (CROSBI ID 467146)

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Milotić, Aldo ; Šehanović, Jusuf ; Oplanić, Milan Profitability of Agriculture Production on Small Farms in Istria // The First Encounter of Mediterranean Economists / Fredotović, Maja (ur.). Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 1998. str. 30-30-x

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Milotić, Aldo ; Šehanović, Jusuf ; Oplanić, Milan


Profitability of Agriculture Production on Small Farms in Istria

In a new development strategy of Croatian agriculture familiar agricultural holdings are placed on the key position. When classifying family holdings as agricultural ones the main criteria is considered the ownership of defined minimum of arrable land or livestock number, while the economical effect derived from their farming is not considered at all.In the first part of the paper is shown the monitoring methodology of agricultural household income in some Mediterranean countries (Greece, Italy, France and Spain). Some total values of available income they achieve, as well as its structure regarding the single sources and fiscal payments are also presented. In the second part, on basis of data collected by prolling it was established the average agricultural household in Istria, as well as its income. Obtained results show that in most agricultural households in Istra, income from the agricultural production is rather low, consequently they are forced to deal with alternative activities.

income; agricultural house holdings; Istria

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Fredotović, Maja

Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

Podaci o skupu




Brela, Hrvatska; Split, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)