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Review on artificial reefs in North Adriatic (CROSBI ID 24183)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Odorico, Roberto ; Martinčić, Barbara ; Bussani, Mario Review on artificial reefs in North Adriatic // Seljačka obiteljska gospodarstva u Istri (2. godina) / Šehanović, Jusuf (ur.). Poreč: Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč, 1998. str. 58-61-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Odorico, Roberto ; Martinčić, Barbara ; Bussani, Mario


Review on artificial reefs in North Adriatic

It is well known that any natural material or biologically inert object immersed into the sea is quickly covered by marine sessile organisms and flora, due to the concentration of sporas, larvae and animals at juvenile stage in the seawater. It has also been noted and studied how the presence of areas of molluscs breeding constitutes a natural attraction for all the marine species, which find there both nourishment and protection (Bombace et al., 1989; Fabi & Fiorentini, 1989). The aim of this paper is to list and describe shortly the main artificial reefs in the Gulf of Trieste and to present a new type of artificial structures. Three main artificial reefs has been positioned in the last 20 years in the Gulf and somehow followed during time. All this reefs are made of concrete blocks. With aim of increasing the number of species and biomass of marine populations, several structures exploited before like car tyres, ship shells, cables etc. can also be used. A new generation of artificial reefs has been proposed. SAL (Submarine Artificial Light structure) are formed with elements of the new corrugated polyethylene and constitute a new style of FAD (Fish Aggregating Devices).

artificial reefs, Adriatic sea, fisheries

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Podaci o knjizi

Šehanović, Jusuf

Poreč: Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč



Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)