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The Information System for a Permanent Monitoring Ecological and Economical Components of the Butoniga Accumulation Riverbasin (CROSBI ID 467453)

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Šehanović, Jusuf ; Petraš, Josip ; Bratović, Ivan ; Milotić, Aldo The Information System for a Permanent Monitoring Ecological and Economical Components of the Butoniga Accumulation Riverbasin // Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering / Tedeschi, Stanislav (ur.). Dubrovnik: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1998. str. 355-365-x

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Šehanović, Jusuf ; Petraš, Josip ; Bratović, Ivan ; Milotić, Aldo


The Information System for a Permanent Monitoring Ecological and Economical Components of the Butoniga Accumulation Riverbasin

This paper shows the need to create an information system for a permanent monitoring ecological and economical components of the Butoniga accumulation riverbasin. The aim is fundamentally an efficient management of the water and soil quality. There are many reasons in favour of it, but there are also some difficulties when trying to efficiently solve this problem. By analysing the importance of the soil and water protection as part of the environment, and the approach to the issue in some European countries, the work suggests a possible strategy for a future information system applied practically on a river basin and storage reservoir.

monitoring; information system; managing quality; soil; water

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Tedeschi, Stanislav

Dubrovnik: Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

International simposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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Poljoprivreda (agronomija)