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Adriatic sea tides in the era of satellite oceanography (CROSBI ID 467538)

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Kuzmić, Milivoj ; Wagner, Carl Adriatic sea tides in the era of satellite oceanography // Rapport du 35e Congres de la CIESM / Briand, Frederic (ur.). Monte Carlo: CIESM, 1998. str. 160-161-x

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Kuzmić, Milivoj ; Wagner, Carl


Adriatic sea tides in the era of satellite oceanography

This study addresses the question of how well some recent model solutions fit the established image of the Adriatic Sea tides. To that end harmonic constants for 33 stations have been compiled and compared to the same output from a purely hydrodynamic (HD) model, and two models incorporating on a global scale satellite altimetry. The comparison shows that the pure HD model produces better agreement with the perimeter gauges. The two global models, despite inherent disadvantages, and thanks to their common Med HD background, apparently can produce Adriatic results generally in accord with the pure HD solution and the gauge data, except at anomalous locations largely on the east Adriatic side.

tides; models; remote sensing; Adriatic Sea

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Briand, Frederic

Monte Carlo: CIESM

Podaci o skupu

35th Congress of the ICESM (CIESM)



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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