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Assessment of natural radioactivity in the marine environment in Croatia (CROSBI ID 30665)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Marović, Gordana ; Franić, Zdenko ; Senčar, Jasminka Assessment of natural radioactivity in the marine environment in Croatia // Environmental Coastal Regions / Brebbia, C.A. (ur.). Southampton: Wessex Institute of Technology Press, 1998. str. 241-249-x

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Marović, Gordana ; Franić, Zdenko ; Senčar, Jasminka


Assessment of natural radioactivity in the marine environment in Croatia

Investigations of natural radioactivity, particularly radium and uranium, in the Adriatic sea water and biota have already been performed on selected locations along the Croatian coast, as a part of an extensive monitoring program of the Croatian environment, conducted by the Radiation Protection Unit, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb. The paper deals with increased levels of natural radioactivity in the bay at the Croatian cost, which is due to geographic characteristics exposed to any kind of pollution including radioactivity originating from the coal fired power plant situated about 5 km from the seaside. Slag and ash are accumulating continuously, consequently to regular operation of the power plant. Previous investigations of used coal resulting slag, showed increased activity concentrations of natural radioactivity. In order to assess the sensitivity of the bay to the radioactive pollution, natural radioactivity concentrations were studied in the zone between the plant and the seaside, as well as in sea water. 226Ra concentrations in the sea water were found to be increased in comparison to 226Ra levels measured at the selected open sea locations.

natural radioactivity, radium, sea water

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Podaci o knjizi

Brebbia, C.A.

Southampton: Wessex Institute of Technology Press



Povezanost rada

Fizika, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita