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Low-dimensional models with long-range interactions: Finite-range scaling and Monte Carlo simulations (CROSBI ID 467879)

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Uzelac, Katarina Low-dimensional models with long-range interactions: Finite-range scaling and Monte Carlo simulations // Meco 23 / Maritan et al. (ur.). Trst: ICTP, 1998. str. 26 (Invited talk-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Uzelac, Katarina


Low-dimensional models with long-range interactions: Finite-range scaling and Monte Carlo simulations

Phase transitions in discrete low-dimensional classical models (Ising, Potts) with power-law decaying interactions are approached by two complementary methods. Renormalisation procedure based on transfer matrix, analogous to finite size scaling, which involves scaling of the interaction-range is used to study, within direct space, the second order-phase transitions in these models. Different critical regimes are covered. MC simulations are used to examine the onset of the first order phase transitions. The scaling analysis of the interface free energy, 4'th order cumulants and other quantities derived from the energy, order-parameter and cluster-size distributions is performed in order to study the change of character of the transition.

long-range interactions; finite size scaling; Potts model; Ising model

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Podaci o prilogu

26 (Invited talk-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Maritan et al.

Trst: ICTP

Podaci o skupu

Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics

pozvano predavanje


Trst, Italija

Povezanost rada
