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An investigation of pink coloured shell of the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (CROSBI ID 463317)

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Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Medaković, Davorin ; Popović, Stanko ; Planinić, Pavica ; Gržeta, Biserka An investigation of pink coloured shell of the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis // Sixth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting : Book of abstracts / Popović, Stanko ; Banić-Tomišić, Zrinka (ur.). Zagreb: Pliva, 1997. str. 26-26

Podaci o odgovornosti

Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Medaković, Davorin ; Popović, Stanko ; Planinić, Pavica ; Gržeta, Biserka


An investigation of pink coloured shell of the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis

Several years ago it was noticed that the mussel shells from the north part of the Adriatic sea had a pink coloured inside part of the shell instead of white. It is supposed that this phenomenon was a consequence of a heavy polution of the sea water by the industrial waste. The inside pink layer of the shell was extracted and analysed. The results were compared by those for the white inside layer from the shells collected in the year that preceded the appearance of the pink shells. The standard chemical analysis and X-ray spectroscopy could not find any significant difference in the composition of the examined pink and white layers from the shells. The ESR analysis confirmed that the pink layer contained a smaller fraction of calcite than the white layer.

mussel shells ; pink coloured shells ; polution ; X-ray diffraction ; ESR analysis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Popović, Stanko ; Banić-Tomišić, Zrinka

Zagreb: Pliva

Podaci o skupu

Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting (6 ; 1997)



Umag, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Kemija, Biologija