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Heat capacity, thermal and electrical conductivity of icosahedral Al63Cu25Fe12 and Al62,5Cu25,5Fe12,5 (CROSBI ID 468480)

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Lasjaunias, Jean, C. ; Smontara, Ana ; Bilušić, Ante ; Yang, Honshun ; Calvayrac Y. Heat capacity, thermal and electrical conductivity of icosahedral Al63Cu25Fe12 and Al62,5Cu25,5Fe12,5 // Colloque quasicristaux / Berger, C. (ur.). Grenoble: -, 1997. str. --x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lasjaunias, Jean, C. ; Smontara, Ana ; Bilušić, Ante ; Yang, Honshun ; Calvayrac Y.


Heat capacity, thermal and electrical conductivity of icosahedral Al63Cu25Fe12 and Al62,5Cu25,5Fe12,5

We resent measurements of electrical and thermal conductivity, and heat capacity of different icosahedral AlCuFe alloys in a wide T-range. Electrical resistvity is in good agreement with data previously reported for the same compositions. Low-temperature thermal properties show several unconventional features such as deviations from the expected Debye law for the lattice specific heat below 10K, a local maximum in phonon thermal conductivity near 1K, which separates a plateau-like regime above 5K from a T2.7 regime between 0.1 and 0.8K.

electrical resistivity; thermal conductivity; specific heat; quasicrystals

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Berger, C.

Grenoble: -

Podaci o skupu

Colloque Quasicristaux



Grenoble, Francuska

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