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Information System about Investigations of the Adriatic Sea (CROSBI ID 463487)

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Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka ; Ružić, Ivica ; Skočir, Zoran Information System about Investigations of the Adriatic Sea // Eco "Informa" 97, Volume 12 - Information and Communication in Environmental and Health Issues / Otto Hutzinger (ur.). Eco-Informa Press, 1997. str. 107-112

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Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka ; Ružić, Ivica ; Skočir, Zoran


Information System about Investigations of the Adriatic Sea

Development of the integral referral Information System on Investigations of the Adriatic Sea, with built-in functional and organizational aspects of the performed investigations, is described. According to the selected development method, adapted to the software available CASE (Computed Aided System Engineering) "POSE" & RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) "INGRES", the Information System (IS) has been designed and implemented. The IS design process is described in detail. The system was subdivided into three subsystems: POM (Project Organization Module), EOM (Expedition Organization Module), and SPMM (Sampling and Parameter Measurements Module). The necessary entities and their relationships were defined using the E-R (Entity-Relationship) diagram concept. The integral E-R diagram was transformed into a set of 3NF (Third Normal Form) relation schemes. The SQL (Structured Query Language) command file was generated and started in the INGRES, producing a relational database scheme. The integrity constraints were built into the database by defining 87 SQL procedures and 146 rules for 61 relation schemes. Therefore, the database integrity control could be performed while the data were inserted. The developed application is based on hierarchically organized frames (Menu, Browse and Report), allowing the information flow ("top-down") between them. The application enables data presentation in space and time under user-defined conditions. The verification of the system was performed using real data from three research projects.

IS Development Method ; CASE POSE ; RDBMS INGRES ; Subsystems ; E-R diagram ; Third Normal Form (3NF) ; Database ; SQL Procedures and Rules ; Integrity Control ; Information Flow

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München, Njemačka

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Elektrotehnika