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Information Management for the Environmental Programme of the Danube River Basin (CROSBI ID 463488)

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Ružić, Ivica ; Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka Information Management for the Environmental Programme of the Danube River Basin // Eco "Informa" 97, Volume 12 - Information and Communication in Environmental and Health Issues / Otto Hutzigner (ur.). Eco-Informa Press, 1997. str. 113-118-x

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Ružić, Ivica ; Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka


Information Management for the Environmental Programme of the Danube River Basin

Information management of data collected within the Transnational Monitoring Network for Danube River Basin is initiated in 1996 as a first step towards an integrated transnational environmental information system. The main goals of this transnational cooperation is improvement of existing national information management systems, increasing their compatibility and providing information needs at the local level as well as permitting the exchange of information at the international level. Monitoring, laboratory and information management activities are described in general, while the information management is discussed in more details. The use of DEFF data and AARDVARK statistical analysis tool are presented on WWW pages for the part of Transnational Monitoring Network of Danube River Basin in Croatia.

Danube River Basin; Information Management; Transnational Monitoring; WWW pages

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München, Njemačka

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Kemija, Elektrotehnika