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Croatian Traditional Ecclesiastical and non-Ecclesiastical Religious Songs Sung During Onerous Times (CROSBI ID 24427)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Bezić, Jerko Croatian Traditional Ecclesiastical and non-Ecclesiastical Religious Songs Sung During Onerous Times // Music, Politics, and War: Views from Croatia / Pettan, Svanibor (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF), 1998. str. 91-107-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bezić, Jerko


Croatian Traditional Ecclesiastical and non-Ecclesiastical Religious Songs Sung During Onerous Times

The paper is concerned with songs reflecting the difficulties in war times, natural disasters, during the religion's removal from the public life. Examples are presented from the wars with Turks untill the War for the Croatian Homeland in the beginning of the 1990s. The references with pilgrim's songs are pointed out.

Croatia, traditional religious songs, onerous times

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Podaci o knjizi

Pettan, Svanibor

Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF)



Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija